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Concord PSP Liver + Immunity Support 康道雲芝皇(英文版)

Concord PSP Liver + Immunity Support  康道雲芝皇(英文版)

(GST included)

Concord PSP Liver + Immunity Support 60 Capsules 

康道雲芝皇強效二合一解毒保肝配方60 粒 (英文版)

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What is Trametes Versicolor (PSK/PSP)?

Trametes Versicolor (formerly known as Coriolus Versicolor) is sometimes called 'Turkey Tail'. It is known as Yunzhi in China and Kawaratake in Japan. This mushroom has long been prescribed by Traditional Chinese Medicine healers for its excellent properties in strengthening the immune system.


Modern clinical usage in Japan and in research for Polysaccharide-peptide (over 400 published studies) suggest that it stimulates immune function, promotes stamina and antioxidant activities, supports the liver, and has no contra-reaction with drugs when used with western medications. 



    • Provides natural immune system support.
    • Formulated to support the liver metabolism and acts as a liver tonic.
    • Enhances antioxidant activities.
    • Helps maintain stamina and endurance levels naturally.
    • Aids in the improvement and maintenance of general well-being.





  1. 調整及增強免疫能力
  2. 輔助手術治療、
  3. 強效保肝、
  4. 解酒毒、
  5. 抗氧化、
  6. 增強體能、
  7. 降血糖、
  8. 幫助睡眠
  9. 舒解敏感症狀、
  10. 強化五臟功能及促進身體健康



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